
Eating everything up
Using everything up
‘Til it’s gone, erased
Vanished, extinct
It’s oil and gasoline
Fresh air and fresh water
Devoured until there’s nothing
Not even a ghostly remnant

Contrary to popular belief
It’s also an atomic bomb
See, people believe that
Destroying is not consuming
That it simply torches one and all
But it consumes what is inflames
Which makes it burn the brighter
The aftermath flames
Violent reds and oranges
Feeding off the oxygen
Consuming even more

Those fucking humans, man
They ruin everything
They’re like parasites
They stay in one place
They multiply and suck
Every decent thing from the
Land surrounding them
And when there’s just
A small patch of bare
And unfertilized Earth
They simply pick up
They move to another location
Spreading the disease
Across the planet
Consuming all in their midst