Don't Mind Me

Even if you mind I'm gonna scream and cry.
I've tried and I've gone through so much.
Not all of it,
But its been enough.
I am gonna do as I have,
And try to correct the wrongs.
But even when I'm down.
I'm still high enough to keep falling.
Even when I touch ground,
It doesn't make the same sound.
Everything is misty to my eyes.
And I always feel as if I'm drowning.
So, if you don't mind,
I'm gonna gasp for air.
If you don't mind,
I'll admit I'm scared.
If you don't mind,
I wanna run.
If u don't mind,
I don't need you.
You don't have to look for me.
I was always here.
And I can't even leave.
So don't mind me,
When I start to grieve,
For the lack of acknowledgement,
Or cause the pain in me,
Has outgrown my entire body.
So even if you mind,
I am gonna cry and scream.
Even if you dont mind,
I was never as I seemed.
Only I know the last time I smiled.
But I'll let you know,
It didn't even reach a mile.
No teeth showed.
Barely a whimper.
It happened to me.
Only one December.
Ever since then,
all I remember,
Is saying...
Don't mind me.
I'm just still hurting.
I don't need your pity.
I don't need your worry.
I don't even know what to ask of you now.
So don't mind me.
Cause you wouldn't know how,
To help me.