What comes around goes around

She is...
So perfect in everyone's eyes,
No one sees Shes filled with lies
As she lays in her bed
she says to herself how I wish I was dead,
Every morning she wakes up and says today's going to be okay,
But the issue is she said that yesterday,
She looks in the mirror and what does she see?
She sees a fake girl filled with fake glee,
Nothings perfect in her own soul,
She has no heart it just a dark hole,
She has no sympathy for others,
Shes filled with the same dark old colors,
Even the greatest of all spies,
Can't see the pain and sorrow hidden behind that girls eyes,
Even the people who seem like everything in their life is going right,
Are cold and alone and have to put up a fight,
Even the prettiest of all girls with hundreds of friends feels alone,
Because all her friends are basically her clone,
She doesn't live her own life her expectations are so high,
She knows when it's time to leave the nest she won't be the one to strongly fly,
She slacked off in school and made fun of others,
She's known as the girl who sleeps with everyones brothers,
She made fun of me and now she she will go down without a sound,
Because What comes around goes around,
And it's your turn....