
Each day turns into another lonely night.

My heart grows weak and I know I can't win this fight.

Feeling ugly, unwanted, and alone,

I begin my journey on this long, desolate road.

These eyes have cried forever.

An exageration, I know it may seem,

but it's true, as my heart continues to bleed.

This body has never felt the embrace of a lover.

This hand never held in love.

My spirits keep sinking lower,

As I wish I could fly away like a dove.

My presensce will never be noticed,

my name never remembered.

I am forced to live as a shade.

Forever floating in nothngness.

My ashes will turn to dust, carried away by the harsh winds of yesterday.

No one will miss me when I have gone away.

My only wish in life was to know the gentle caress of a man that loves me so.

Who would hold me as if they would never let go.

But I am a beast who is not worthy of love.

A beast who will die, and fly away like a dove