Immortal Disappearance.

Mouth brimming with phrases unfit for the atmosphere.
Waiting for myself to explode.
I want to let you know so badly.
Everything that’s been going on.
I want you to pay attention.
Maybe look a little closer when I roll up my sleeve.
See through me.
Ask if I’m okay.
Care. Like you once did.
But…everything is so different now.
I could search for the words to say.
But I don’t think that you’ll answer me.
I don’t think that you’ll care.
Perhaps you’ll just ignore me.
Like you’ve done so many times already…
Damn, I miss the old you.
It isn’t coming back. (Is it?)

Today I just sat, caressing the scar.
Wishing for things to return.
Carefree and beautiful.

And the worst part was,
I know you saw me.
And you left me there, haunted.

I can’t go on without you.