
And after all this time I still don't know
What was so wrong about wanting you
What was wrong about my dream coming true

Cuz I know that all I wanted was someone
Someone who'd always be there for me
I just wanted someone to make me feel like I'm needed

And you know the cruelest part is what...
You were exactly everything I wanted!
But I guess I was stupid enought to let my dream guy go

I miss it all but I just can't say it out loud
Cuz then I'll be declaring my mistake of walking out
And it's nearly impossible to make you forgive me yet again...

Cuz I know this once I screwed up big time!
And I don't want you acting like a victim
It took a lot of little things for me to lash out...

Sometimes I think I did the right thing
And start dreaming of the guy who'd make me forget
But then can I forget the first love of my life?
You know, the rush of meeting you in secret?
The way my heart beats when you're close?
The anxiousty before our first phone call?
The way I blushed at all of your cheesy quotes?
How can someone expect me to throw all this away?

Nothing will ever compare to looking in your eyes
and knowing I'm the only girl you're thinking about
And nothing will ever break my heart more than
remembering our first break up, and my late night crying
There are just too much memories for me to erase
too much space you occupy in my heart
And when it's late at night I feel that stinging need
when I just wanna call you and appologize

But how can I tell you the reason I walked away
How can I expect you to understand it
when I myself still can't figure out a way?

And how could I have been so selfish
to only think about what's best for me?
I should've known it was always a two-way street

I shouldn't have taken you for granted, and for that I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have walked away when I was afraid.
So baby tell me did you find a way to get past this?
Cuz it's been too long and I still can't find one!
And everyday I walk down memory lane...
realizing with every step how much I had lost

I lost a dream i didn't think myself worth having.
I didn't believe you when you said you loved me.
I thought maybe after a while of knowing the real me
you'll get bored of me, and finally dump me.
I lived it day by day just waiting for that one day
when you'll leave me for some other girl.
And when that day didn't come I resorted to thinking
that you must've been cheating on me...

But I'm sorry baby I should've known that
the only reason I couldn't find a fault
was that for once in my life someone's been true to me
and that you actually did deserve my trust.

It's maybe too late for me to say that
but I'll always remember you as my best love
Cuz even when I went a little bit crazy
You never stopped being my superman
and kryptonite <3