Forgiveness was too much to ask

Just three words I wrote on the sand
Washed away by the angry waves
I never knew three words could be too hard to say
But I guess they were for a ten year old...

Now they're faded words and broken promises
That never left my mouth even throught the years
And all the sorrow and regret I carried around
Had broken me down to the man I am today

The sweetest melody playing through my ears
And my angel slipping away infront of me
It's like with every step she takes down the aisle
She shatters me to the last of my dreams

All those years I've wasted in vain
Chasing the wrong goal running further away
I ran away and ran back again to her
But nothing I ever did was enough to undo the hurt

Something about the way she told me she loved me
Something about the intensity in her eyes
Or maybe the fact she'd been my only friend for so long
Yes, I guess that's what made me run so fast

But years later that same thing was what brought me back
Although it felt like I never left at all
Yet that day I came to realize that forgiveness was too much to ask
Cuz for me nothing had changed but for her everything had

Her hair, her clothes, even the look in her eyes
I never found the girl I'd left that night five years ago
She'd changed, more than I could even remember
And long was gone the innocent girl I've loved all along

Yet nothing stopped me from kneeling down to her
Not even the ring I saw resting in her right hand
The same way nothing stopped her from walking away
With the coldest look I ever saw in her delicate eyes

Love was never they way I thought I'd go
It was the most absurd idea I've ever came to know
But as I now stand again, this time alone
The same waves, the same sea, but ten years had gone

As I stepped in for the last time the water surrounding me
I can only hear the cheers as the newly weds drive away
I had lost her, I know, but I didn't lose her today
I lost her ten years ago when I let the words I wrote get washed away