Torn Apart

I wish they both knew
how everyday my heart tears in two
For it's impossible to choose
between the two

It's crazy to think how hard it is
or how complicated it gets
since each day is an on going battle,
of annoyance and adoration,

one day a fight or an immature act,
then the next a smile and they make me laugh,
tug a war back and forth,
but in the end I'm right where I started,

and maybe I should choose neither,
and watch them go their own ways,
watch them be happy,
even if my heart is still in two,

but then maybe years will pass,
and I'll be old, and still alone,
and I'll watch them be happy,
with both halves of my heart in their hands,

But I'll look upon their face,
and see their stupid smile,
and realize if their happy, I'm happy,
and somehow that makes my heart whole