I Realize Now

I realize now that you never really liked me,
that it was just me dreaming of what could be.
I realize now that I could have never even had you,
because I saw you walk in with her wrapped under your arms.
I wish that this didn't hurt as much as it does,
that I never should have started this crush on you in the first place.
Yet I did and I dreamed silly fantasies that I now know will never be.
I realize now that I could have never compared to her,
that she's like the stars in the sky, the sun shining bright, the purest of gold,
whereas I was just the dirt on the ground, the darkness never finding light, a bronze medal you threw away after getting it.

Why does this hurt so much?
This pain of knowing that I now can never have you
I wish I knew all of this sooner, before even crushing on you,
and before knowing that I might even like you more.
The worst part of all this is that I have a class tomorrow with you.
How can I go in and listen to the teacher, when my eyes would always wander to you
and my mind forever picturing her with you.

But I guess this is why there is such a thing as heartbreak. Such a thing as love. Such a thing as vengeance. Such a thing called PAYBACK!

Because I know one day, I'll find someone better than you. Someone way cuter than you. Someone who makes my heart leap with just one look or one smile. Okay so maybe I've found two guys who can do that. But it wouldn't matter; I just might love one of them even more than you.

So as the week goes by, as the month goes by, and as the year goes by; look back and see what you've lost for good.

Something that happened when I saw one of my three majors (second major actually) walk in with a girl in front of him, while he followed wherever she went. And now I can finally take him off the list and replace him with someone so drop dead gorgeous that he compares with BRIAN HANER of Avenged Sevenfold. This also can relate to last night as well since the first major whispered to a friend of his "She can't dance" after dancing with another girl who was WAY prettier than me and i think (key word here is I think) he was talking about me.