Butterfly, Fly Away...

Butterfly, fly away,
rainy rain, go away,
drain away, all the pain,
all the pain of yesterday.

Yesterdays of misery, butterfly can you hear me?
fly away, butterfly, fly away from yesterday.

Today, today, you go away,
go away and come again another day,
Come again when love has grown short,
when tomorrow, cannot find today.

Tomorrow tomorrow, what holds tomorrow?
Butterfly, do you hold tomorrow?
Have you flown away from yesterday,
past today, into the rainy rain,
which drains and drains,
all the pain, all the pain of yesterday.

What comes next?
When the butterfly has flown,
when there is no more pain,
pain of yesterday?
When, today will come,
and not another day?
When tomorrow is never ending?

When yes is no,
and no is never,
then butterfly will you fly away?
Fly away on a rainy day,
washing all the pain,
all the pain of everyday.

Butterfly, fly away,
rainy rain, go away,
drain away, all the pain,
all the pain of yesterday.