
A broken heart never beats quiet right.
It's not even an echo of what it was when you touched it so light.
You twisted your knife so slowly.
And I was willing.
I opened up my heart to you.
I loved you
I still love you, with every shattered and torn peice of my heart.
It's just that, I'm not ready to let go.
I don't ever want to let you go.
I need you.
I need your abuse.
This slow torture, it's so wonderful.
But this pain, this pain, it's horrible.
I want you back.
Back here in my arms.
Come here.
Love me.
That's the problem, you don't love me, and it hurts so bd.
My tears stream down my face, like rivers of hurt and pain.
All I want is love.
Your love.
Please, just love me.