To Run Away

Go away!
Get out of my head!
Why do you care?
I don't know what I said!
So many ways to end the fight;
so many ways to leave the room.
So many things to say that can hurt;
so many ways to run from your doom.
Why do we run?
Why do we walk out?
Why do we ignore
what we care most about?
Why can't we see
how our friends want to help?
Why don't we change
to find the best of ourself?
So how long does it take
to see what we did wrong?
How far do we run
to find where we belong?
When will the fog clear?
When will spring arrive?
When will we see the love
that keeps us alive?

Let me take your hand and lead you through the dark,
Let the moon hide to make way for the day,
Let the flowers bloom so the bees can dance;
For the worst thing you can do, is run away.