Sunday Lover

Sundays are brilliant, restful and easy
The start of the week, a fresh new slate
Contrary to popular belief
Mondays are not the start of the week
They just feel like it because of the drudgery
The grueling task of work or school
Then do it again on Tuesday
Maybe have pancakes for breakfast on Wednesday
Thursday? What the hell, walk to work
Lather, rinse, repeat
But Friday, oh dear Lord, Friday
You have options on Friday!
You could call in sick
Start your weekend early
Maybe fake a migraine and leave at noon
You could play video games all day
Or troll on Facebook if that’s what moves you
Then, Friday night, you sit and relax
Put your feet on the table, pop in a movie
Watch it in peace, feel your muscle tension erase
And nap on the couch ‘cause it doesn’t matter where you sleep
Wake up on Saturday, tune in to morning cartoons
Maybe do a little yard work
Possibly even some bathroom cleaning
Perhaps you go out for dinner
Indulge in some wine
Go home with your lover and say goodnight
Then rise and shine Sunday morning
Read your paper in bed
And laze away your Sunday
For Monday’s a long stretch ahead