Green Day Is Born

"I need a new name for my band. Everyone here in the Bay Area keeps mistaking "Sweet Children" for "The Children". How am I going to come up with a new name?" I need a gimmick too."

"Maybe if I put my hair up like this... and put on my mom's eyeliner... just like this. Hey this looks cool! And maybe instead of writing love songs, we can write songs about smoking pot and corruption in the American government. People will buy our records for sure. Ah I still can't come up with a new name. I'm going to call Mike."

"Hey Mike, we need a new name for our band....what? It's spirit week at school this week? We're supposed to wear different colours each day? And Monday is green day? Mike I've got it! Green Day! We'll call ourselves Green Day! Don't get that crew cut you wanted! And be sure to tell John not to cut his hair either!. I gotta go man talk to you later."

"Billie Joe you're a genius. People are going to love us. And to think, I was going to get a crew cut and start singing country songs. I'm a genius. I started Green Day in my own bathroom....well, my mother's bathroom. I need to go work on this Green Day gimmick."