Holding Regrets

Can you tell me it’s okay, please just say
Keep lying to me, let me stay astray
I stared down to those deep, dark, evil blues
I could get help, if I had only knew

I cannot believe such life can survive
How can I live knowing I cannot thrive?
Could I have chosen can I just undo?
I could get help, if I had only knew

My life is out of control and screaming
I have to learn to be redeeming
Your strong, sickening arms, full of tattoos
I could get help, if I had only knew

Dark dreams are haunting, I know to break through
All secrets come to life, the truth in you
Though, coming clean would become taboo
I could get help, if I had only knew

I can move on, I know I can change this
This is a feeling I will never miss
I know I can get through this thanks to you
I could get help, if I had only knew