ya i know its dumb of me

i hold these emotions back
so no one sees
i dont want to be worryed about
theres no need
isay im fine
when really im dieing inside
i dont mean to hide
it just seems like its better
if i were to come out of my shell
the world would see
a tear streked face
and broken hearted girl
i lie to save you all the trouble
i dont deserve to be treated the way i am
you see me as the mask allows
but not the person under
i wish i didnt have to hide
im drowning in my own emotions
i want to scream out for help
i want to be free
i dont see my escape
but i do see others
ill help them becausei can
my only question is
why put me through this pain?
why have me suffer like this?
i dont understand a bit
i just want it to end
make it stop
it hurts to much
im going so numb
let me crawl into my shell
leave me be
theres no escape for me
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for any errors iwasnt paying atation its late and i just wanted to get this down