Death Day

I stop breathing
Close my eyes and go silent
Is it time?
Should I stop and let it go?
Dying in side
The truth is spilled
All anger comes
I'm nothing but filth
Tears swell
Fist ball
Heavens gates are shut
I'll go to the devils door
Inside there's a pill and a razor
Small yet deadly
If you push it deep enough
and pull it quick
You're fears subside
Into a deadly dread
Laying there fading
I smile as it goes dark
No more pain for this little monster
No more to give
I close down
Curl up
The fear is still there
I'm not dead yet
Is it time?
Will it work?
The rope and gun are very fun
If you pull the trigger it all goes red
Drag in a deep breath and close my eyes
Smile as everyone looks away
Today's my death day
Let's hope you'll forget