The Happy Memory Of You


as You want to do dear
You must know that loosing you is my eternal fear
the fear You decided to make me wear
but your cute image in my mind even YOU cant clear
so do as You like, disappear

a great person I see you, not a silly or a mad
more likely the greatest friend I ever had
with a little skill, without a voice or a face
awesome friends you mad through the space
but then I remember You saying, "Zak i cant continue this race"

if the die is merciful so, it's just a long dream
I KNOW one can die easily, after a single scream
like nights and days, people go far far away
but still in the hearts, forever They stay
every hour, NOT every day

then why the best way for You was to live alone ??
to be someone has heart of a stone ??
to be someone doesn't need a friend ??
and hasn't got love to spend

walking through heaven do You think about me now ??
You told me to forget You, but HOW ??
how ? and my ears still hear your name spelt as a song
"Love is Life" you said but you were WRONG
love is a torment, love is a hell
makes you understand this brutal life well

and You said You love me ?!
a best friend for life, You called me ?!
just a JOKE, what your words make me
but mine don't do that with you
if you chose to leave me, I WILL miss you

Zak will never let go the happy memory of You
♠ ♠ ♠
sitting in my yard and watching the sun set I wrote this poem in the beautiful memory of my late best friend Emma </3
one can hardly find this awesome friends over internet but then I am always a lucky brat when it comes to friendship xp