What loves like

Screaming, yelling, shouting,
Glasses breaking, plates shattering,
Doors slamming, silence following,
Writing through the fighting.

Laughing, hiding, pretending,
Smiles deceiving, tears threatening,
Always guarding, always faking,
Writing it all down soothing.

Crying, sobbing, sinking,
Depression worsening, pressure building,
Shoulders shaking, silent wailing,
Writing because you’re breaking.

Cutting, bleeding, regretting,
Red staining, voices speaking,
Music blasting, jaw trembling,
Writing down thoughts depressing.

Sitting, working, staring,
Not listening, not caring,
Teacher wondering, kids teasing,
Writing bent over secretly escaping.

Walking, frowning, thinking,
Alone dreaming, dogs barking,
Cats meowing, cars speeding,
Writing to block out the voices screeching.

Banging, cursing, raging,
Mothers drinking, fathers leaving,
Sisters crying, you’re watching,
Writing in fear afraid of your mothers’ rage turning.

Drinking, slapping, destroying,
Fist connecting, hand slapping,
Mother beating, skin bruising,
Writing down all your secrets fearfully praying.

Begging, hoping, longing,
Secretly wishing, barely talking,
Teacher wondering, mother beating,
Writing to escape this life and imagine what love feels like.