The Moment's Temptation

A sweet summer breeze,
a hesitant smile,
the moment's temptation
to stay for a while.
To hear his voice,
to touch his skin,
opens the door,
letting memories in.
So why can't you quit
your personal drug
after he broke your smile
and the wounds he dug?
Crawling under your skin
and you'll never forget,
your reaction to him
that you'll always regret.
The chances he won't give,
the promises you can't make
all fall apart because
it was never something fake.
The calm, terrifying silence,
the broken cry of the dove,
all fading away when
you stumble upon love.
A forbidden place,
a desirable smile,
the moment's temptation
to stay for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little something I wrote during Studyhall while staring at the back of my ex's head :3