
Why can't he see my scars?
They're so deep and grey,
why doesn't he notice?

My shirts are tear stained,
my eyes are red-rimmed,
but he can't see me.

I yell for him,
but he turns away.

I used to be his little girl.
January came around and he left;
without a warning.
Then she came around.

She has kids too,
she has money.
Lots of it.
She's pretty..

I used to be his little girl!
He used to hate seeing me with makeup on,
he used to rub my back 'till I fell asleep.
Now he sleeps with her at night.

I used to go to him for advice,
for help when I'm sad.
Now he doesn't even notice me,
he doesn't see my scars.

He doesn't know how much I need my daddy,
He doesn't know how much i wish I could still have 'Daddy and Me' time.
He doesn't know I miss him,
Because she's taken my place..