To Bring Acuity

And the colours of the wind over take me.
As I continue to see, what sight can take.
As I continue to hear, what noise can give.
As I continue to feel, what touch can bring.

And the joys of the water fill me up.
Am able to give thought to thought.
Am able to give peace to soul.
Am able to give chance to man.

And the longing of the flames complete me.
To play with the toys of tickled time.
To play with the roar of right rearing.
To play with the light of living life.

And the grace of the leaves fulfill me.
To fall in headstrong case of toil.
To fall in events of motion picture.
To fall in love of hand, mouth and foot.

And the taste of the must livens me.
What gives a kick to needs of kicking.
What gives a want to needs of wanting.
What gives a smile to needs of smiling.

And the life of the stair leads me.
Freedom to the bonds of hair.
Freedom to the clasps of drought.
Freedom to the escape of freeing.

And the colours of the wind over take me.
As I continue to see, what sight can take.
As I continue to hear, what noise can give.
As I continue to feel, what touch can bring.