Your Final Act

Standing there, grinning from ear to ear,
craving our glance,
with your colourful dance
You began your glorious act.

Side to side, you swayed just right-
but your heart never leaned right.

Dust begins to fill, as you consume all space, stealing all the air-
Leaving nothing but dust to settle in my lungs,
choking on what used to be.
Then I shook within my core,
as you took to your final show-
you pulled it from your side,
you chucked it up as it gleamed and shone in the light,

mesmorised I smiled.

Then your eyes gleamed with sly,
as you pulled another to the light,
you awaited for cheer and applause,
while I straightened up my spine-
one in your hand, the other in the air-

then you alternate.

I see these amused glances about, I don't share their humour, nothing in awe about-

Juggling us around,
you had us in your grasp,
I'll smile, silently, waiting for you to lose touch.
Watch you lose control,
as we fall to the floor, we'll knock you off your feet,
watch as you stumble-

as you bow down your head with torn pride,
you'll breathe in the dust,
you'll choke on the past.
I'll lift my head high, gleaming and breathing in the light.

For you're just a jester, And your show is done.