My People Heart

My heart is made of people
And not just anyone
I only gave it away
To the ones that I love

A part to my Grandma
Who raised me to always be me
And I’ll never get it back
For may she rest in peace

A part to my mother
For she cares like no other
By working everyday
So that when I’d go to sleep
I’d have a place to lay

Another to my brother
Though sometimes he gets me mad
But I know he’s always got my back
Whenever things get bad

My cousin’s also got apart
Whether he knows it or not
Because even though he annoys me
I do love him a lot

My lover’s also got a part
Of my growing heart
Because I know that he will always stay
And other reasons I can not say

There are others who make up my heart
And they know who they are, and why they are
So please, my people heart, take care, because
We all know, a heart can’t beat, when broken apart