I smiled at You

I asked you if I looked good,
you said gorgeous!
I smiled at you.

You took my hand and led the way.
Your eyes, they were like headlights.
They sparkled bright in the moon.
You didn't know,
but I smiled at you.

When I was cold you'd hug me close.
You'd hold my hand in the dark,
just to prove it was okay.
Even when you didn't know it,
I smiled at you.

When your face got close to mine,
When my lips met yours,
You might not have known,
but I smiled at you.

When you pulled me close
and looked at the stars,
you didn't know this,
but I smiled at you.

When you held me close and whispered, "I love you,"
you didn't notice,
but I smiled at you.
When we laid there
and I felt your heart beat,
you hadn't quite noticed,
but I smiled at you.

When I cried,
you wiped my tears away.
You said, "Baby, everything's going to be okay."
For the first time,
you noticed.
I smiled at you.