All Alone She Turns to Stone

As I walk down the empty street,
Leaves dance under the moonlight on this chilly night.
The wind stabs me with icy knives,
Reminding me of how alone I truly am.
It seems only yesterday we were holdong hands,
More than just friends.
The fire still burns inside of me,
Numbing my untouched wounds with fiery passion.
I'm at a standstill.
Halfway between life,
Halfway between an emotional death.
They all seem to stare while rivers flow down my cheeks,
Emotions flood my body.
The ice pentrates me again, but in my heart this time.
Freezing it so it wont open for anyone.
Reminding me how I will remain forever alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: The Bird and the Worm by The Used