A Phantom's Lament (Phantom of the Opera)

Underneath the ground, In the Opera’s deepest rooms,

There sits a man, left all alone with his many wounds.

His Angel has left him, gone back to the light,

And wanted no more to do with the Phantom’s endless night.

His tears are unseen, his blood tucked away,

His sorrows are shadows in non-existent day.

His anguish is hidden, his screams unheard,

What is life to be without his little bird?

Devastated, forgotten, he weeps his days away,

Floorboards below the merry Ballet

What can shoulder this burden of pain?

Why must love come with such hideous chains?

Oh, Christine, my sweet-singing dove,

I will dream of you, in your world above!

Every day, I’ll play for you,

I’ll make music, only for us two!

Hoping, forever, you’ll flee back to my side,

And you can one day be

Darkness’ bride.


A/N: Obviously, this is about The Phantom of the Opera. This is how I imagine Erik feeling after Christine leaves him for Raoul. I love this story to pieces (novel, stage, movie, whatever!), and have wanted to write something about it for quite a while now. Remember, the Phantom needs love too!