blood, anger and love - red

I am the fire that keeps the atmosphere smoke laced
The liquid of a sharp copper taste
A cold thorn, but petals that dance around me in layers of love me, love me nots
Or an anger who chooses the bone to pick, who lies in twists and knots
A muscle who makes the best song in a pulsating note who stays the same
I'm a trait that the fourth planet would know the name

May I be the vibrant wings that which lovers soar
Or an antagonistic sickness stuck in the core
But if you've ever felt the heat of me, you would be explore an adhesive passion and surrender
To take a deep breath
Only to inhale the mist of ember
And to fall back again, into the warmth of no December.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a "Guess the Color" Prompt poem that my english teacher conducted. ...If it isn't blatant enough, I chose red.