Swingset Chidren

Screaming outside; joyful inside
Walking but not running; no running now
Ideal happiness; recess has begun
No one at the swings; everyone at the swings
Going, playing, swinging
Everyone’s favorite
(That and the slide)

Laughter, happiness, smiles of glee, tick toC
Recess almost over, what a shame, oH
Look at him fly, look at him go, whoppI
Land, smiling grin, bright yelL
Whistle blown, children run, recess over, saD
Back to same old class, day done, oveR
Just wait, tomorrow will bring more gleE
Quiet swings, happy seats, tomorrow more childreN
♠ ♠ ♠
We wrote acrostic poems in creative writing and here is mine. And the second stanza is supposed to be alligned on the right side of the page so its easier to read the acrostic.