A ***ed Up Story.

Okay then.. but remember you asked for it.

Okay so it all started out last November 20th I dated this chick, name: Krysta O, Any way, she is a liar cheater player and phyco bitch. She was dating me and this other chick at the same time, name: Alyssa H, and probably like 20 other girls too. Any who so I was on the phone with her one night and she was at Alyssa's house and Alyssa got jealous I didn't know they were dating and she didn't know we were dating. She started saying really mean things to me I wasn't really offended but hey she tried. Any way, Krysta ended up breaking up with her not too long after that like a day or so. Told her to say sorry to me. Alyssa found me on myyearbook and messaged me saying sorry and "I was the dick who said mean things to you". Then we started talking and she said "Yeah she broke up with me for it." Now remember. I didn't know Krysta was dating her too soo I ask her what she means by that and she said her and Krysta were dating and Krysta broke up with her. Then I tell her that cant be true cause Krysta's dating me, not her. Then she asked me when we started going out and I told her and she said well I was dating her before that and she just broke up with me. So what do I do? I confront Krysta about this. She accuses Alyssa of lying and common who am I gonna believe? The one I "love" or the chick who was mean to me? Obvious. Besides that, I started talking to Alyssa and texting her and we became friends and Krysta and I, well our relationship was going good though she was cheating on me. Again I wasn't aware of it.

Fast forward to December 18th.

Krysta was suppose to spend Christmas with me so she comes over. Everything was going good.

Fast forward to December 20th our one month.

Now around the time of I think like 6:00 pm. I was texting Alyssa with Krysta right there. Not romantically and defiantly not sexually. All she saw was it was a chick named Alyssa she was not aware it was that Alyssa, but she got mad at me. How did i find out you ask? Well, I told her to give me a kiss and she told me "Go ask Alyssa to give you a kiss." at that point I got sad. We started arguing and she broke up with me. I'm upset and so I start talking to her not leaving her alone or anything just bugging and begging her to take me back I tell her "It's nothing i wasn't even talking to her like that." then I delete Alyssa's number "There no more her just you and I" she refuses. "Please you can ask her yourself nothing was going on. Don't you have her number?" then she says. "IT'S THAT ALYSSA!!? I'm done." and so she was done with me. After that I get Alyssa's number back and start texting her. She knows what I'm going through and we can comfort each other. We start to get close. Real close. I start to have feelings for her. Deep feelings. Her for me, not as deep as mine but feelings. I start to love her. Fall for her. Before I know it I was in love with her. Completely and utterly in love with her.

Fast forward 2 or 3 months.

Alyssa and I start dating happy as can be. Then guess who comes back to Alyssa? YUP! Krysta. They start talking getting closer.. and closer.. I'm scared.. two weeks later. Alyssa breaks up with me for Krysta. Alyssa and I stop talking for a bit.

fast forward 3 months.

Alyssa and I start talking again. Guess who gets jealous of me. RIGHT AGAIN. Krysta. Oh another riddle you ask? Okay, guess who tell Alyssa to not talk to me? RIGHT! Krysta. Oh you wanna know the worst thing?? Alright..... Guess who listens you her. You guessed it! Alyssa.

Fast forward again, 6 months.

After 9 months of a stupid one sided love relationship Krysta leaves Alyssa down and heart broken. NOW... another riddle. Who came to scoop Alyssa up and save her from her sorrows? YES! Me! Wow you're good at this.

Fast forward to August.

Alyssa and I are getting closer by the minute. So close. I'm making her so happy and she's happy and I'm happy even though she's still talking to Krysta.

Fast forward a month, somewhere in October.

Krysta stops talking to Alyssa. Alyssa is sad again. Guess who makes her better? Me.

Fast forward week.

Guess who's so happy she's visiting Alyssa's house for the first time that weekend? Mhm. Me. After the visit guess who get so so sooooo close to each other guess who in just a few weeks november 18th 2011 exactly was going to get asked out by the girl of her dreams the only one she is truly in love with. Yes. Me.

Now the biggest riddle in this story. GUESS WHO COMES BACK TO HAUNT ASHLEE TO RUIN HER LIFE LIKE SHE DOES EVERY TIME. TO STEAL THE ONLY WOMAN SHE TRULY LOVES AWAY FROM HER. AGAIN!! JUST GIVE IT A FUCKING GANDER. THATS RIGHT!! SO FUCKING RIGHT!!!............ KRYSTA. haha. Krysta. Oh you think thats the worst part? No no no it's not. Don't get me wrong it's one of the worst parts but no. Now guess who goes over to Krysta's house. Guess who goes over there and fucks Krysta. Guess who goes over there and doesn't tell Ashlee after 3 FUCKING DAYS OF NOT TALKING TO HER! Yup. ALYSSA.

Now.... guess who's not close to dating the girl of her dreams. Guess who is the one left crying day after day trying to make herself better. But also, guess who's the girl thats not taking the shit any more. Guess who the girl is who's done with Krysta and her fucking games. Guess who's the girl who was left with the pieces to fix herself. Guess who's right here typing this not crying anymore. Not sad anymore. Guess who's just done with the bullshit. I'll leave that for you to figure out.