My anger just builds

My anger builds on your lies.
I'm pissed.
Yet I keep it all inside.
So many times I've kept quiet
Kept in the corner and let you yell
I thought if I was shy
It'd protect me from the goodbyes
If I was a mystery
All along I was just some girl to lay
I kept quiet.
Quiet when all I wanted was to scream
Scream at him
Yell to every girl he ever touched
Hit the world because I was in pain
Cut, to release it all
Let go of all my hurt, pain, anger, all of it
Now he's the one who's quiet
He won't lay another finger on me
Never again
Finally I feel happy
The person I was always meant to be
Slowly you all are starting to see
For now I won't be quiet
I'm the one who's going to sout to the roof tops
No more will I not speak