
You have green eyes
and brown hair you always flip
when any other guy flips his hair it looks stupid
but when you do it doesnt.

Unlike most guys I have liked
You have a brain in your head
You are editor of the school newspaper,
you are in the math counts club, you are treasurer of student council
and you are one of the floor directors for the news show.

You also play in the band
you aren't the best in gym
or the fastest runner but I don't care
just because I'm a girl most boys think they are better
than me but you are glad to have me on your team
Even when I mess up you say good job

You smell amazing
all the time like your wearing
colone but it isn't overpowering

I wish I knew if you felt the same way about me
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is a pretty bad poem please comment and tell me what i can do to make it better