Worth It

So I started writing again
Why? I don't know
Because I had something worth saying?
Because I had nothing better to do?
Every time I put the pen down on this paper
It's the same odd story
Something about injustice, or fear, or issue
One which should be resolved
Even if I run out of ideas
And start restating things I've said earlier
In clearer, better written poems
The message stays the same
The purpose is untainted
I will keep writing until these injustices are gone
Until these fears will disappear
Until this world is one which we can all live
A peaceful, happy life
One devoid of fear, of rejection, of onslaught
The world will probably end first
Or my hand will grow cold and die
But I will continue to write until that day comes
But why?
Because I can
Because I feel the need to
Because I have little else to live for
In a world filled with so many problems
Even the hype that we can fix them
That's worth writing for
That's worth fighting for
That's worth living for