
Hi. Remember me?
Yeah, that's right.
I'm your daughter.
Your first daughter.

Hi. Remember me?
It's your daughter again.
Just came to say 'hello'.
We never do that anymore.

Hi. Remember me?
I think you've forgotten.
Forgotten everything.
You know how sad that makes me?

Hi. Remember me?
Of course you do.
We spent my whole life together.
Well, almost...

Hi. Remember me?
So maybe you don't.
But at least we had a little bit of time.

Hi. Remember me?
I don't think you do.
I've been replaced.
With her.

Hi. Remember me?
That's right.
Your daughter.
How can you forget me?

Hi. Remember me?
I don't know if you do.
It seems like every time we speak,
we have to start over.

Hi. Remember me?
It's your baby girl.
The one you love the most in the whole world?
Honestly, you call yourself a father?

Hi. Remember me?
You're getting rid of her now.
You think this will make it all better?
Well I can promise you it won't.

Hi. Remember me?
She's still not gone.
You promised, you promised,
that we could spend Christmas together this year.

Hi. Remember me?
She and I aren't on speaking terms.
Yet you make me hug her.
Honestly, you call yourself a father?

Hi. Remember me?
Do you even know my favorite color anymore?
Well, it's periwinkle.
Thanks for asking.

Hi. Remember me?
Let me make my own decisions.
Maybe I don't want you in my life anymore.
Okay, that was a lie.

Hi. Remember me?
You've been lying to me.
Been saying things are fine.
I can tell they aren't.

Hi. Remember me?
Am I angry?
Of course I'm angry.
Could I forgive you for such a thing?

Hi. Remember me?
I love you, daddy,
I do.
Just make the bad woman go away.

Hi. Remember me?
She is a monster.
A terrible, brutal monster.
I hate her. We hate her.

Hi. Remember us?
We're your daughters.
All three of us?
We miss you terribly.

Hi. Remember us?
Yes, we love you.
But we don't love her.
We can't.

Hi. Remember us?
Don't think you do.
Who can forget his own children?
Apparently you can.

Hi. Remember me?
I hate her daddy.
Just make the bad woman go away.
I don't know how much longer we can take this.

Hi. Remember me?
Yeah, that's right.
I'm your daughter.
Your first daughter.