
Thou are more precious than anything I could ever hope to have but you are just outside of my grasp but I won't give up until I can hold you in my arms and proudly call you my beautiful rose but how long it will take for me to reach the platform your on but I know that sooner or later I'll be able to reach you and tell you everything that I've always wanted to tell but it will take some time before I can reach that far so for now please wait for me because when I do get there I'll sweep you off your feet you'll be that sweet treat that I'll never want to give up until you feel that our time together is not what it should have been but I hope to prove that underneath my armed barriers in some one kind and willing to care for you . But I hope I'm enough for you please say that I'm good enough for you because I know I have faults that you might be annoying but please bear them because I'm not perfect.
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Please tell me what you think ....