She Was...

She was a juggernaut,
Destroying everything in its path,
A being of hatred and purest wrath.

She was a prisoner,
Of the sweet liquid death,
That numbed her mind like a thousand snake bites.

She was defeated,
By the bittersweet taste of illness,
The disgusting hands of fate.

She was a corpse,
Hidden in a disguise of illness,
Never to find her halo in the destruction.

She was a poem,
Written by the hand of inspiration,
To sing in the ears of those who dared to listen.

She was a sacrifice,
To those who promised,
To stand beside her no matter what.

She was a mother to four,
A daughter to two,
A wife to one.

She was so much yet so little.
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't expected to be classed in your high respects, nor to condemned for being sombre, but a piece of my mind that I found comforting to type into my computer.