
She walked into their bedroom and found him sniffing at her scarf
The conversation that followed truly did make her laugh

Darling, what are you doing with my scarf held to your nose
Is it true that you have been secretly taking whiffs of my clothes?

What made you think that, sweetheart? Cautiously he replied
I merely was putting it away for you. How queer that he had lied

Putting it away, you say? For me that is difficult to believe
When strangely the other week I caught you sniffing at my sleeve

I don’t recall that incident; whatever are you talking about?
How about we get started on dinner? He said, his lips curved in a pout

Was she supposed to believe that? He pushed her towards the kitchen
Walking behind her he inhaled her hair, she knew that he was smitten

My dear, sweet lover-boy, you simply cannot hide from me
You are lying, stop now and explain what’s to tell, please

All caution and all secrecy quickly did vanish, when
His eyes caught hers and a large grin did appear then

He said, So you wish to know why I have been sniffing at
Your scarf, your shirt, your sweater and your hat?

And suddenly he was closer to her, hands on her shoulders gently
Leaving no room for laughter, teasing or thinking that this was funny

I cannot get enough time alone with you, I think about you all day
I cannot stand you not being by my side when you are away

When you’re not here for me to keep as mine only
I need something that helps me smile when I am lonely

I am just showing you how completely lost in you and our love I am
So that maybe next time I have your gloves you will understand

She smiled when he had said his words and had seen his love as her own
And the laugh they shared when she coyly showed him his voice recordings on her phone
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I only joined Mibba so the only reason I am posting this is because I want to get something up here. This is a poem I wrote this year for some English homework.
This is exactly what my teacher told us to do:
'Write a comedy poem which tracks the conversation between two characters who are in a relationship'
So, yeah, I don't know if this is great or not because she never ended up marking it. Sigh. Teachers. I like to tell myself that it is kinda funny, but I honestly don't know. I felt really awkward writing love poetry because honestly I don't think I've had any feelings as such for anyone so I was going on and on about random things.
It's quite simple and doesn't have much depth, it isn't meant to tell you the meaning of life, but you should read it and tell me what you think about it.