Black Roses

white roses
white roses are how fast the clouds move
the sky far out of reach
how the rain runs down my cheek
the way your pearly whites shine
the note that was left for me
the white rose that was sent along
they say white roses are a sign of love
i dont know maybe maybe not
when a white rose fades into tommorow
the happiness is gone into a black hole
the black rose lasts
black roses turn dreams into reality
why so down i would take a black rose any day
as long as you have a rose
no other flower
no other
roses are like chocolates
you never know what your going to get
take the rose
hold on tight
on those sunny days
lay outside and let the wind blow
let the petals reach for the sky
a wish on each petal
a wish in your heart
and while your reading this
think about the three things a girl needs in life
a rose
and hope
take the white rose
it is nothing but a trap
a relationship with a catch
a player with an attitude
get a black rose
you'll be fine