Your Turn

ok listen children, its time for you to learn
That anything worth having has to be earned
And if a friend calls really late at night
Don't be rude and hang up, ask if their all right

If someone says drop it, then leave it alone
They want to think, maybe do it on their own
Just cause you like them doesn't mean your in love
Its just a crush, not sent from above

Love your family,they're yours to keep
They'll always be there on nights you can't sleep
Don't cut yourself, it brings more pain than good
I've done it, i know, but you never should

There's a reason for everything, whether pain or true joy
And your not a man if you act like a small boy
Try and be happy, don't dwell on the past
You never know how long the present will last

There's many, many more that i could say
But i don't think i will, at least not today
Some things can be told, others must be learned
But its out of my hands, now its your turn