Lost and gone

I feel so broken.
I feel like a glass shattered.
Like a broke mirror.
My reflection is not me.
Short Brown-ish red hair, brown eyes.
I miss the girl, with the long light brown hair.
In the sun, it looked like gold.
I've killed my old self.
Now I'm the girl with the short brown-ish red hair.
I'm the girl I hate.
I've given up my beauty.
I was beautiful inside and out.
Now, I'm ugly. Inside and out.
Inside I'm full of dispare.
Nothing feels right.
I feel so lost.
It feels like I'm losing everyone.
It seems like no one wants to stick around.
Will you be here when I finally come crashing to the ground?

It hurts so much on the inside, so it feels like I must
hurt on the outside too.
So I cut, but then it hurts too much.
And I bleed.
I've bled so much.
My butterflies have flied away.
Please don't ever fly away.
I need you to stay.
I need you so much, I really do.