My Motherland

Let me tell you of a magical place
More wondrous than intergalactic space
With a mixture of wheat fields and suburban streets
The place where five rivers meet
The land that gave birth to martyrs
The homeland of my mother and father
The land that gave rise to me
Without its love I don't know where I'd be
I'm talking about Punjab
My motherland
Whose soil is now turning into sand
The government is stealing our water
And telling us to dig underground to water our farms
They say in 25 years Punjab will be a desert
That makes my chest hurt
Poverty is on the rise
And hate crime is bringing about our demise
75 percent of the youth is addicted to drugs
Hatred is now replacing Punjabi love
They say addiction is Punjab's 6th river
Destroying the land like an alcoholic's liver
Though I'm thousands of mile away I still feel the pain
It feels like I’m held down by chains
We have to deal with this pain or it will consume
And bury us in tombs
Punjabis whether you're a farmer or stuck in a cubicle
Cleaning stables or trapped in a hustle
By misery we have been ensnared
So pump your fist in the air
We may not run India but we make India run
So stand up because we are one