Dreams of You

I must have drifted. My eyes must have shut slowly unconsciously because this is all flowing like a dream as you appear. That rush of chills and butterflies so beautiful but my feelings I fear. Is this a dream or a nightmare? Why go through this again? Am I enduring this feeling of love just to be hurt again? But you’re different. You’re a picture of perfection although you have flaws. So perfect that I’m still waiting for me to wake up. I was in love as soon as my eyes first laid upon you. But they say love at first sight can be cured with a second look. Yet I still look, stare, and gaze into your eyes and nothing changes. Our love remains intact. You’re always on my mind with my life and your impact. To be honest you make my dreams come true. When I look into the mirror my reflection is you. You’re within me and we’re one. You complete me my feeling of emptiness now done. Our love doesn’t even need to be said. It’s already known. Soft as sand yet carved into hard rock stone. My feelings are becoming too deep. I am becoming too attached. It’s time to wakeup. But can you blame me when I say all I can do is focus on you with absolutely everything I do? Words can’t be formed to express the happiness in my life you bring. This must be a dream. When will my alarm ring? Sure right now we’re living in such sweet bliss but will you always have what it takes to be careful with my fragile heart. Can you treat this relationship with care so we can become what we both need and want? Molding a relationship or creating it like a build a bear. Stitch my name right across your heart. Sewing and stitching with no holes so we never fall apart. Place the voice box and squeeze to let it play so I may listen to your words of love. Give me what others can’t. I pray and believe you’re the one so please just be enough. In other words don’t be like the rest taking advantage of me and my love. Don’t walk in just to close this door. Don’t be another man just looking for a whore. I want you close to my heart. So at the end of the day all I’ll care about is that we’re together. I simply want our love to last forever. And now I’m wishing again perhaps with my hopes set too high; setting myself up for disappointment. It’s time to wake up. Let me find myself in my sheets without any of my words truly spoken. But whether I’m ready for this or not the reality is that my eyes are wide open.