The Love of a Silver Tongued Devil

You lie to me and yet I love your words
As if the truth has no place in this world,
And all the while, I worship every breath
As a divine experience, touching,
Yet bittersweet because I know that I
Will soon be damned into the fires of hell.
The hell that tortures me is just knowing
The lies you speak to me, I'll hear no more
And I will never see your face again.
Is this a punishment sent from our God
For putting your words in front of his own?
Is the fact that you will see me no more
A sign you were my idol, a false god
I worshipped, testing my faith and my heart?
I know the truth that rests within my heart,
And the truth is he is a jealous god.
I don't care if you have a silver tongue.
I don't care how many times you hurt me
As long as I can look into your eyes
And lose myself within the ecstasy
Of only knowing you are near. Tell me-
Tell me how many crimes must I commit
Till I can hold you in my arms once more.
Must I be the new Satan and fall down
From all I've known to appease you, my dear;
Then it must be, because I would suffer
Hell ten thousand times before I know
The agony of never seeing you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally entitled "Luciferian Love," but the poem is about loving someone who lies to you, but you don't care, you love them anyway. I didn't want any confusion on the subject matter.