Whiskey Warms, Tequila Burns

Being your whiskey lullaby;
Yeah, would be nice.
But to be your tequila dream
Would be better.
On some levels, anyway.

Tequila means we can play carpenter;
We'll get hammered
And then...
You know the rest.

Yet, being your whiskey...
I could watch you sleep.
We'd sip, not swig.

Whiskey warms your lips;
Tequila burns.

Maybe I could be both,
But we know what mixing your drinks can do.
Too much makes you ill.

So I'd be happy
Being your whiskey lullaby,
I'd warm you, if you drink me in slowly;
I'd burn you out too fast
Being your tequila dream.

So call me your whiskey, baby;
You say lust is like tequila,
Burning too hot, too fast, too hard -
Whiskey warms slowly like love,
If you don't take too much.

I'll call you whiskey
And you'll call me tequila -
The only time mixing your drinks
Won't make you sick.

So drink me,
Let me take over your senses.
I'll be whatever you want -
You pick.
You can do shots of me,
Or take me on the rocks.

I'll be your tequila dream.
I'll be your whiskey lullaby.
I'll be whatever you want me to be