You two...

This pain.
These tears.
I can’t hide them.
I was foolish.
Starting at Facebook,
Unblocking you both,
You thought that could repair it,
But I read those hurtful messages,
I know what you guys meant.
At first,
I didn’t care.
I wasn’t going to admit to it to myself that it hurt.
I sit here today,
Tears leaking out the side of my eyes,
My heart squeezing in pain.
You guys don’t care.
He says he still loves me,
You say you’re sorry,
But you guys were,
You wouldn’t have kept posting those messages,
You wouldn’t have made me feel so much pain,
You both wouldn’t have made me so weak.
I won’t tell anyone,
Because I’m scared.
I won’t say a thing,
Not even to my closest friend.
I’ll stay quiet,
I’ll be good,
I’ll cut to get the pain out,
I won’t cry anymore,
You two aren’t worth the tears.
I just can’t help but cry right now.
Tomorrow when try to talking to me,
I’ll tell you what I feel.
I’ll say what’s on my mind.
I’ll laugh without the humor.
I know you’ll be shocked because I was nice for a few days.
I didn’t know though,
That you both hated me so much.
I didn’t need to know it.
I don’t want to feel this pain.
My heart feels like its shredding.
It’s because I still had feelings for you.
I still had that nerving thought that I loved you.
That’s gone, its replaces with true hatred towards both of you.
I’ll laugh in your faces when you finally realize,
That you’re not getting me back.
I thought for the longest of times,
I wouldn’t go back and say I’m sorry,
I shouldn’t be saying sorry!
You two were the ones fucking with me!
I’m done.
I’m done with you,
With both of you,
With feeling,
With caring,
With love in general,
I’ll become a walking emotionless zombie.
You guys already said I was.
So good-bye to all,
I hope you two have a good life without me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is true, and it's happening right now.