My Life.

What can you do when your good,
Isn't good enough?
All you can do is hope.
Hope that your chance will come one day.
Hope that they love you back.
But then reality sets in.
Sadness overcomes you and your left with nothing and no one.
Betrayal and hate come with love and happiness.
For the one you love is loved by another.
That's when you try your hardest,
But no they don't love you back.
They say your like everyone else when your not.
You need them, and deep inside they need you too.
They say they care and you believe them,
But do they really care?
It seems happily ever after is only in fairytales.
That dreams, hopes, and wishes don't come true.
That the only thing that's real is sadness.
So in the end you're left with heartbreak, love, hate, happiness, sadness, and despair.
Now I'm left with this and only this.