Life: Now In Season

If life is full of seasons, then, by way of default and reason, seasons are full of life.
The cycle nature has situated for its ecosystems is the cycle life, subconsciously, mirrors.

Life is the season of spring just as the season of spring is life
When the cycle of our life begins, it starts with the planting of a seed
That seed, through tedious care, blossoms into a newborn child
This newborn grows and blooms into the beauty of life
When the season of spring commences all beings of nature begin to grow
It is the start of all life in nature and our natural environment
Spring is the birth of nature just as our lives begin with a birth

Life is the season of summer just as the season of summer is life
The newborn of spring ripens into a young adult
This young adult is anxious to become a mature adult but does not want to lose its childhood
When summer arrives, nature becomes mature
Its planted seeds grow and become plants bearing fruit
It is the golden age of a plant’s life
Summer is the growth of a plant just as we humans must grow

Life is the season of autumn just as the season of autumn is life
The mature adult grows and becomes wise with age
When autumn arrives, the fruits of nature ripen
Trees lose their leaves just as people age and wither away
Autumn is the waning part of a human and a plant’s life

Life is the season of winter just as the season of winter is life
Humans grow old and approach their dying days
When winter arrives, trees lay bare and life ceases to exist
In both life and the season of winter, death comes and goes
Winter is the last stage of life and nature

Each death brings the promise of a new life
Just as winter will pass to spring and plants will blossom again
The perpetuating circle of life may end with a death but it will start over with a birth
Seasons and life are two notions that show the presence of one in the other.
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Thoughts? Let me know what you think.