according to..

According to my parents
I'm a selfish brat.
Who cares about nothing and no one,
other than myself.
I have a cold heart and never have and never will care.
I will never accomplish anything thing in my life.
I do nothing to help.
I always get my way.
According to my friends
I am known for how nice I am.
I’m always willing to help
I care about them more than most.
I'm so generous they feel bad.
I always go with whats best and never get my way and am perfectly okay with it.

When there's this much hate in your family life,
things start to change.
Your mental appearance starts to fade away.
Getting lost in the abyss of pleasing everyone.
On the edge of breaking.
When you've gotten to the point were living just has no point.
When you have nothing left to life for other than that small happiness you bring to someone that one day.
Holding onto that.
Knowing things are changing.
Letting them get to you.
Upsetting people.
Not caring anymore.
You've been told you don't care.
Therefore you cant.
At the weakest point.
Letting go.