The distance grows and the canyons deepen
But my focus shatters and my strength weakens
For I cannot see what you have done for me
And it takes all I am for me to even breathe

In and out, I exchange the old for the new,
As I shudder at the thoughts that should only be for you
But I am weak, I am human, I am humble at your feet
And I await and fear the day that we two will meet

Please forgive me my broken efforts, my lack of solemn faith
I am fearful that with empty prayers the road to hell is paved
I repent of my damn insolence, never should I have forsaken thee
When never have you ever done such a cruel, spiteful act to me

O, grant that I shall never perish amidst the wispy airs
I beg that you will hold me tight as I say these little prayers
May I witness the sweet dawn again and may silence there be none,
Rich music in my soul to play as Thy will is to be done.