A moment for fear
As I walk through the door
And experience that feeling
Of not being too sure

A moment for happiness
Filled with the utmost elation
As he looks my way
And I get that sensation

A moment for panic,
I had misread his look –
I am filled with dread
Thinking of what I had mistook

A moment for understanding,
It could never ever be
So I shouldn’t really bother
Because he can’t even look at me

A moment for surprises
As he dares to approach
The walls have been torn down
Though for this he’ll be reproached

A moment for now,
Right here, forget all else.
Not worrying of the others,
Only thinking of ourselves.

A moment for decisions
Once the moment has arrived
And everyone has become aware
Of what we have contrived

A moment for truth
What is it that he’ll choose?
Am I worth the world to him,
Or is there more to lose?

A moment for forever,
Being wrapped in his embrace
Knowing he was mine, only mine
With a love I could never replace

A moment for moments
That make up